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Main Points and Conclusions
The main points and conclusions are:
- Cheap and usually abundant professional surgical face masks are made of a good material, but fail to protect people well because of air leakage around them, especially the nose area, but also all around the face. This is why we have a face mask sealer, because it makes surgical face masks much more effective in protecting people.
- Many masks made of alternative fabrics do not filter viruses well. N95 and professional surgical face mask materials are made of nonwoven polypropylene fiber for a good reason. After N95 and surgical masks, the next most effective materials I've seen are actually a DIY homemade layering of facial tissue and paper towels, which works nearly as well as surgical face masks.
- Our Cross Strap Spongy face mask sealer is designed to go on top of cheap and abundant surgical face masks, as well as some other kinds of materials such as soft N95 masks, to make them much more effective than the other mask alone.
- If you simply don't have supplies of N95 or surgical face masks, then you can use our face mask sealer with ANY materials at hand, as our face mask sealer will also hold simple rectangles of any material to your face and seal them. For example, two layers of paper towel plus one facial tissue works well. This is cheap, quick, and easy.
- Our Cross Strap Spongy face mask sealer is designed to be very comfortable, so that people actually wear it for long periods of time.
- Our Cross Strap Spongy face mask sealer is designed to be easy to manufacture, and does not require special materials itself, since it's not filtering the virus, it's just sealing the other mask around the face.
- If you want to manufacture and distribute them in your own country, or in our country, then we can put your contact information on our website.
- If you want to order directly from us in Thailand, that's okay, but you may order from anybody on our list.
Of course, we cannot guarantee anything from third party suppliers who may be listed on our website, this is just an effort to scale up the worldwide production and use of face mask sealers so that the coronavirus spreads more slowly, by having more local producers.
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Lucky Lion Pride Co., Ltd.
69/1049 Moo 3
Pathum Thani 12130
Copyright © 2019-2025 by Mark Evan Prado, All Rights Reserved.
Parts of this website are derived from my pollution mask work in 2019.
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the Cross Strap Spongy
Face Mask Sealer